
Apparel Industry Management 3(3+0)


Government of India has set some targets to intensify and promote textile industry. To materialize these targets, efforts are being made, which are as follows:

  • Textile and apparel exports will reach the US $ 50 billion mark by 2010
  • All manufacturing segments of textile industry will come under TUFS ( Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme)
  • Increase the quality and productivity of cotton. The target is to increase 50% productivity and maintain the quality to international standards
  • Establish the Technology Mission on jute with an objective to increase cotton productivity of the country
  • Encourage private organization to provide financial support for the textile industry
  • Promote private sectors for establishing a world class textile industry
  • Encourage handloom industry for producing value added items
  • Encourage private sectors to set up a world class textile industry comprising various textile processing units in different parts of India
  • Regenerate functions of the TRA(Textile Research Associations) to stress on research works
Last modified: Wednesday, 30 May 2012, 7:22 AM