Although the functions of the merchandising division vary, they typically include the following activities:
Determining future customer demand in terms of styles, quantity, colors, prices, and fashion emphasis:
Planning to meet future customer demand and assure a profit.
Selecting resources and buying merchandise.
Coordinating advertising and sales promotion to assist in bringing the customers into the store to buy the merchandise.
Projecting the image.
Establishing sound merchandising policies to ensure the success and growth of the business and to assist in meeting competition.
The merchandising division with the buyer at its center is often viewed as the hub of the retail store. Without it, the other divisions would have no reason to exist. Although the central function of retailing is carried out by the merchandising division, the success of this division is dependent upon the efficiency of the other store divisions. If the merchandising division is to achieve its sales goals and the store is to make a profit, close cooperation must be maintained with the other store divisions.