Retail Pricing Pricing of a Typical Moderately Priced Dress Retailer's Costs
Wholesale cost ($61.52 less 8 percent discount for prompt payment) $56.60
Allowance for markdowns 5.00 (averaged over all dresses in stock) 3.00
Allowances for shortages and pilferage Salaries and benefits (averaged per garment) Sales staff 7.00
Merchandising and buying staff (including expenses) 8.00
Clerical and stock room staff (receiving, marketing, deliveries, and ' other expenses) 5.00
Advertising, display, and sales-promotional staff Administrative staff (executives, credit and accounting officers, including expenses) 11.00
Employee fringe benefits 2.00 Overhead (rent, insurance, utilities, cleaning, and security)
TOTAL 100 $115.60 Profits before taxes 8.40 SELLING PRICE $124.60 Retail price 54 %Markup -56.60 Cost $67.40 Markup ____________________________________________________________________________ *These are approximate figures; percentages vary depending on the kind of store, Markup percentages vary according to volume and store.