Active Reading

Lesson 18 : Reading Skills

Active Reading

There are times when you just cannot afford to skim through or scan through the text but need to get an in-depth understanding of the text that you read and hence you need to make sure you are actively involved with the text while reading it. There are four important points that you need to keep in mind during active reading which are as follows

  • Understanding/ Highlighting: identify the most important parts of the text according to your own understanding and highlight or underline them using a pencil or marker while you are reading. You can even use different colors to high light diverse aspect of the text.

  • Note Key-words: jot down the headings as you read and detail using one or two keywords for each point.

  • Questions: before you start reading prepare for your reading by writing down all the questions you want the material to answer. This helps you to read accordingly and ensures you get the answers to all your questions and don’t get distracted while reading.

  • Summaries: after you have read one complete section of the text, summarize that portion in your own words. Later, go through the text again to check how accurate your summary is and modify/ upgrade it in case you have left out any details.

Last modified: Friday, 20 January 2012, 8:54 AM