Early Adopter: Respectable

Lesson 31 : Adopter Categories

Early Adopter: Respectable

Early adopters are a more integrated part of the local social system than are innovators. Whereas innovators are cosmopolites, early adopters are localities. This adopter’s category, more than any other, has the greatest degree of opinion leadership in most social systems. Potential adopters look to early adopters for advice and information about the innovation. The early adopter is often confused by many before using a new idea. This adopter category is generally contacted by change agents to be a local missionary for speeding the diffusion process. Because early adopters are not too far ahead of the average individual in innovativeness, they serve as a role model for many other members of a social system. Members of a social system respect the early adopter. The early adopter is respected by his peers. He is the embodiment of successful and discrete use of new ideas. The early adopter knows that he must continue to earn this esteem of his colleagues if his position in the social structure is to be maintained.

Characteristics of Early adopters:

  1. Younger than those who have a slower adoption rate, but not necessarily younger than the innovators
  2. They are not the persons who test the untried ideas but they are quickest to use tried ideas in their own situations.
  3. Have large farms.
  4. Higher education than those who adopt more slowly.
  5. High income.
  6. They participate more in the social activities of the community.
  7. They also participate more in government programmes.
  8. This group usually furnishes a disproportionate amount of the formal leadership (elected positions) in the community.
  9. They read papers and farm journals and receive more bulletins than people who adopt later.
  10. They may be regarded as community adoption leaders.
Last modified: Friday, 27 January 2012, 6:37 AM