Identification mark or logo type

Digital Advertising
Lesson 11: Construction of Advertisement

Identification mark or logo type

It is the final part of advertisement copy. Each producer should use identification marks in the form of a trade name, trade mark and brand name to speak to the prospects of the product merits, features, benefits etc.,

Trade or firm or commercial name is the name of the company that make products. Such name may or may not be important as an identification mark to the consumer, but it is of much significance to the retailer and the dealer as they sell the products of other manufacturers also.

Trade mark is a word, symbol or a device used to identify a manufacturer’s goods or services and distinguishing them from those of others. These are registered and are broader than a trade name and may contain trade name as part of it.

Brand name is the name or a word or words used as a means of identification and distinction and can be registered. It is effective compared to T.M. and T.N. Registration means,

  • Constructive notice of ownership claim.
  • Open evidence of exclusive right to use.
  • Conclusive evidence of exclusive right to use under certain circumstance.
Last modified: Saturday, 29 October 2011, 9:59 AM