Functional elements of Society


Functional elements of Society

Objectives or ends: These refer to the changes or things which the members of the group are expected to be accomplished through their interaction and activities. Ex: Attainment of higher productivity, increase in the production etc.

Norms: These refer to the rules or the guiding standards which prescribe what is socially acceptable or unacceptable. Norms govern the application of means in the attainment of goals. Determining the size of the family and methods by which it may be achieved, is generally guided by the norms of the society.

Leadership: It refers to the process through which a person directs guides and influences the thought, feeling and behavior of other members of the society. The nature of the leadership generally determines the behavior or level of achievement of the members of the society.

Resources: It refers to the various types of resources and potentialities a society possesses. Resources are important because they set the limit of achievement of the society. Ex: Human resources, financial resources, natural resources etc.


Last modified: Tuesday, 1 November 2011, 10:21 AM