This movement was started by V.T. Krishnachari in 1932 in the Baroda state where he was Dewan at that time. In the first instant its objective was to bring about a rapid increase in standards of living, industrialization and rapid expansion of the educational system. The second objective was to increase agricultural production through the provision of basic necessities for the development of the same. At first, some extension workers were taken on deputation from Dr. Spencer Hatch of Marthandam.
The first rural reconstruction centre commenced work in April, 1932 in a group of villages around Kosambain, Navsari district.
After the centre had been at work for a year, the number of villages under it was increased and Baroda state issued an order explaining the aims of the movement as follows:
- The centre should aim at effecting an improvement in all aspects of rural life changing in fact the outlook of the agriculturist, the target being creating desire for a higher standard of living.
- Work intended to realize this aim should be intensive. It should be confined to a group of villages in which it will be possible for the superintendent and his trained co-workers to establish personal contact with all the agriculturalists.
- Village leadership of the best type should be developed.
- The centre should apply itself to the following programmes:
- Economic programme:
- Subsidiary occupations, kitchen gardening, weaving, poultry farming, silk worm rearing, bee keeping or any other trade may be found suitable.
- In each village, Panchayat should be a live-body discharging its function of providing drinking water, improving sanitation, building village roads in other words adding to the opportunities of village life.
the opportunities of village life.
- Educational and moral programme: This included adult education, development of community sense and of a feeling of solidarity in the village, propaganda against evils like early marriage and unreasonable customs connected with social observances, the proper use of village libraries, the scout movement and other educative work through magic lantern. Village school should be the centre of such activities.
Method of work:
- Self help
- Dignity of labour, e.g., Shramdan etc.
- Self respect
- Truth and non violence