Marginal farmers and agricultural labourers (MFAL) scheme

Lesson 25:Intensive Agricultural Era

Marginal farmers and agricultural labourers (MFAL) scheme

The principle objective of this scheme is to assist the marginal cultivators in making the maximum productive use of their small holdings by undertaking horticulture, animal husbandry and dairying. Efforts are also to be directed towards bringing in larger incomes by channeling credits, improved inputs and improved practices.

MFAL scheme taken up in 40 selected districts, 20,000 marginal farmers (with holdings upto 2.5 acres) and agricultural labourers are assisted in each project area with subsidized dairy, poultry, fishery, piggery, sheep rearing and horticultural operations. Provision has also been made in this scheme for giving direct wage employment in the off-season to agricultural labourers in rural works of a productive nature. The scheme is primarily market oriented and will also provide employment to landless agricultural labourers and rural artisans. Resources are made available to the farmer- participants in the shape of 33.3% subsidy from the Agency and the balance as loans.

The main functions of MFAL were
  1. Identification of eligible marginal farmers.
  2. Investigation of their problems.
  3. Formulation of economic programmes.
  4. Provision of institutional, financial and administrative support.
  5. Creation and promotion of common facilities.
  6. Evaluation of the programme.
Last modified: Tuesday, 1 November 2011, 9:01 AM