Methodology of implementation

Lesson 29:ICAR Research Projects

Methodology of implementation

Methodology of implementation of IVLP as per ICAR guidelines are given below
  • Selection of participating Institutions
    1. ICAR and ICAR Institutions
    2. SAUs and their Regional Research Stations/Zonal Research Stations.
    3. Krishi Vigyan Kendras Based on availability of multi-disciplinary team of scientists, laboratory facilities and transport etc.
  • Selection of village
    1. One village or a cluster of villages to cover about 1000 farm families.
    2. The selected village should not be far away from the research station
    3. Should have access through road
    4. Should be relatively poorly developed in agriculture
  • Agro – Eco-System analysis
    Using Participatory Rural Appraisal Methods to gather information about
    1. the resource availability with farmer’s present production practices
    2. the extent of impact of the previous programs in the area.
  • Constitution of multi-disciplinary team of scientists
    1. Core team: Those whose disciplines are essentially needed.
    2. Optional team: The other disciplines depending upon the needs of the area.
  • Selection of team leader
  • Provide training to the multi-disciplinary team
  • Plan for Technology Assessment and Refinement
    1. Intervention points based on problem-cause analysis
    2. Basket approach considering the problems
    3. Weightage to indigenous knowledge
  • Implementation of action plan
    1. On farm research
    2. Demonstration
    3. On farm trials
  • Monitoring and Evaluation
    1. Regular visit of team members
    2. Technical staff posted for the village
    3. IVLP card separately devised for the purpose.

Last modified: Tuesday, 1 November 2011, 7:32 AM