Goals&Linkage mechanism

Lesson 42:Agricultural Technology Management Agency(ATMA)


  1. To decentralize decision making at district level through the creation of ATMA.
  2. To increase farmer input into programme planning and resources allocation.
  3. To increase programme co-ordination and integration so that the programme thrusts such as farming system innovative farmer organization, technology gaps can be more effectively and efficiently be implemented.

Linkage mechanism

ATMA has a sound Research-Extension-Farmer (REF) linkage mechanism. This approach of transfer of technology visualize both top-down and bottom –up linkage.

Effective transfer of technology would be a location specific, user friendly and highly depends on the collaboration that is ensured by the State level Inter-department working Group.

ATMA, is responsible for technology dissemination at the district level, must have strong linkage with Zonal Research stations (ZRSs), KVKs and the NGOs. At the block level, Farm Information and Advising Centre (FIAC) would be created. It would be the planning and operation arm of ATMA. The FIAC team must incorporate the detail extension activities to the undertaken. From the farmer’s point of view, ATMA is the agency where they can be involved in the preparation of agricultural development plans because the main aim of creating ATMA is to decentralize decision making power among the farmers about their farm as well as all farm activities of the whole district.

Last modified: Tuesday, 1 November 2011, 6:41 AM