NEWS Definition: “NEWS is an account of a recent event or opinion which is important or interesting”.
Importance and interest are two factors that present unlimited variety and thus explain why an event is news worthy for one NEWS paper on broadcasting station and not for many other newspaper and radio or TV networks why one news item becomes world news, while another may be fir for only a local daily.
Kinds of news News can be divided on the basis of contents as indicated below
International News
National News
Political News
Accidents and Disasters
News about Labour
News about Crime and Violence
Sport News
Besides, news can be categorized on the basis of priority as shown below:
Hard News and
Soft News
Hard news is based on urgency of the news. In other words it is immediately conveyed to the people hence, priority is given to such news in the newspaper. For example Budget, Social welfare schemes, warning about cyclones and floods are come under this category. Soft news is published without any urgency. It is otherwise called secondary news. People show less interest and importance to this kind of news. For example Association meetings, resolutions and news about General Knowledge.
News can be divided on the basis of expectation as shown below:
Expected News
Unexpected News
Some news is expected by the people. They are waiting for such news. For example Budget Proposal, Parliament and State Legislature News come under expected news.
Unexpected news is called sudden news. Accidents happen unexpectedly; so also riots and communal clashes occur suddenly and unexpectedly. Such news is called unexpected news.
Spot news is what it says: news gathering on the spot, live, recent, immediate and fresh with the reporter being able to say: “I was right there!” spot news is not something that was expected or scheduled. It has an element of the exciting and the news.