Some of the definitions of extension programme planning as given by different extension educators are being explained below.
Boyle(1965) “Programme planning is reviewed as a process through which representatives of the people are intensively involved with extension personnel and other professional people in four activities
Interviewing a Household Lady for Household Facts
- Studying facts and trends.
- Identifying problems and opportunities based on these facts and trends.
- Making decisions about problems and opportunities that should be given priority and
- Establishing objectives for future economic and social development of a community through educational programmes.
Lawrence(1965) This is the process whereby people in the country, through their leaders plan their extension programme. Country and state professional extension staff members assist in this process and the end result of this process is a written programme statement.
Musgraw (1962) Extension programme planning is the process of determining, developing and executing programmes. It is a continuous process, whereby farm people, with the guidance and leadership of extension personnel attempt to determine, analyze and solve local problems. In this, there are three characteristics:
- What needs to be done
- When it should be done
- How it should be done
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Olson (1962) An organized and purposeful process initiated and guided by the agent, to involve a particular group of people n the process of studying their interests, needs and problems, deciding upon end planning education and other actions to change their situation in desired ways and making commitments regarding the role and responsibilities of the participants.
Boyle (1981) Programme planning process includes identification of needs, planning, instruction, programme promotion, evaluation and reporting.
Boone (1985) Programme planning is a comprehensive, systematic and proactive process that results in action to facilitate changes in behavior of learners and the environment in which they live.
Conklin and Spiegel (1992) Programme planning is a process designed to bring about effective programming that may be viewed as a system of interrelated parts, all of which work together to achieve defined goals.