The success of a programme depends on how well it is carried out. For successful implementation of any programme it is desirable that advance planning be done.
The following steps should be considered while programme implementation:
Calendar of work indicating the activities to be carried out during each month should be followed meticulously.
Proper arrangements for the supply of inputs like fertilizers, equipments, credit, audio-visual aids and literature should be made much in advance.
A training programme for specialized projects should be organized much ahead.
Efforts should be made to select the best type of local leaders who can shoulder the responsibility and multiply the efforts of extension agency.
All steps in carrying out a programme should be discussed with the villagers and their consent obtained at appropriate periods.
Steps for assistance and direction should be clearly stated so that there may be no confusion anywhere in launching the extension programmes.
? Programme at family level
? Village programme
? Block programme
Implementation of a programme involves:
Village Level Workers (VLWs)
Local institutions at the village level (school, panchayat, cooperatives, rural youth club etc.)
Extension specialists
Block Development Officer
Block Development Committee at the block level They all are responsible for arranging activities is a proper perspective and in proper time. For a successful and easier programme implementation it is also necessary that there exists a healthy cooperation and coordination among these village institutions, block institutions and extension workers. The local and farm leaders, members of panchyats and BDC at the village and block levels also be trained from time to time for smooth running of the programme.
Last modified: Wednesday, 11 January 2012, 5:30 AM