Selection of local leaders for programme implementation has to be done carefully. The extension workers must explain the kind of work that the leaders will have to perform and the type of person needed for it. There is however, no specific means of selecting leaders, but the following ways can be taken into consideration:
Extension workers can ask local people or specifically the village pradhan, school teacher or doctor to suggest persons who can likely become successful leaders in executing the programme.
Questionnaire method used by the extension workers in selection of leaders.
Election at a public meeting
Keen observations by the extension workers help to identify potential local leaders.
Through discussions on any particular topic, the person with sound knowledge and ability is soon identified and can emerge as a valuable leader.
Through workshop method, where the large group breaks up into smaller units and each unit needs a leader, who is identified and take the responsibilities.
Senior people of the community who are having a lot of past experiences can be accepted as local leaders.
A good leader needs to have five I’s of leadership which include:
Initiative: Enthusiasm, confidence and foresight needed to lead the way.
Intellect: To see the real cause of a problem and find a satisfactory solution.
Industry: Energy, labour, hard work and unselfish desire to work for others.
Influence: The decisiveness and ability to persuade and teach others to follow his example.
Integrity: The power to create trust in his leadership, through his sense of responsibility, good moral character and honesty.