Cernea and Tepping defined monitoring as “It is the gathering of information on utilization of project inputs, on unfolding of project activities, on timely generation of project outputs and on circumstances that are critical to the effective implementation of the project”.
Monitoring Unit The monitoring unit should include technical personnel having specialized skills. The staff often consists of extension specialists, economists, sociologist or anthropologists, statisticians, computer programmers and supporting staff. The head of the monitoring unit may come from any of these disciplines. The number of staff can be according to requirement for work accomplishments. The leader of the monitoring unit should report to one of the top managers in the organization.
Monitoring Indicators Indicators help to measure changes in a given situation. These are tools for monitoring and evaluating the effects of an activity, by which a monitoring unit keeps track of extension programme’s capability, effectiveness and efficiency. Indicators are developed using two approaches:
Indicators developed on the basis of available statistics.
Indicators developed on the basis of areas of interest.
The following criteria are used for selecting indicators
Simplicity: Indicator should be simple enough to be understood by non specialists.
Clearly defined: Indicators be clearly defined and clear.
Timely: Data can be obtained within time.
Reliable: The indicator should be measured accurately and give the same results, if measured by different people at different times and under different circumstances.
Validity: The indicator should actually measure what it is supposed to measure.
Relevance: The indicator used should be specific to the programme objectives.
Specificity: Indicator used be specific, based on available data and should measure specific conditions that the programme aims to change.
Sensitivity: Indicators should be sensitive to the changes taking place.
Prioritization: Indicators be prioritized and measured accordingly.
Last modified: Thursday, 12 January 2012, 12:25 PM