A group of people who possess certain characteristics provide qualitative data in a focused discussion. Each interview involves a group of six to eight people who discuss on common topic for one or two hours. A facilitator in the interview facilitates the discussion so that no one dominates the discussion (Fig. 31.4). Several group interview conducted are recorded and analyzed for trends of responses among participants in one interview, as well as across the entire set of groups involved.
Semi-structured interviews involve the preparation of an interview guide that lists the topics or issues that are to be explored during an interview. This guide serves as a checklist during the interview and ensures that basically the same information is obtained from a number of people. The order and the actual working of the question is not determined in advance. Moreover, within the list of topic or subject areas, the interviewer is free to pursue certain questions in greater depth.
 Focus Group Discussion with the help of a Facilitator
Semi-structured interviews are guided conversations where broad questions are asked, which do not constrain the conversation, and new questions are allowed to arise as a result of the discussion. A semi-structured interview is a relatively informal, relaxed discussion based around a predetermined topic. It is a PRA method that engages villagers in a conversation through a series of guided questions (not structured questionnaire) relevant to the villagers. Important information is generated by talking with villagers about topics that interest them.
Training people to conduct a semi-structured interview is important and practice is required to become an effective interviewer. Training needs to address team preparation, interview context, sensitive listening, sensitive questioning, judging responses, recording the interview and self-critical review.
Advantages of Semi-Structured Interview
- It makes interviewing of a number of different persons more systematic and comprehensive by delimiting the issues to be taken up in the interview.
- Logical gaps in the data collected can be anticipated and closed, while the interviews remain fairly conversational and situational.
Weaknesses of Semi-Structured Interview
- The weakness of this approach is that it does not permit the interviewer to pursue topics or issues of interest that were not anticipated when the interview guide was elaborated.
- Also, interviewer flexibility in wording and sequencing questions may result in substantially different responses from different persons, thus reducing comparability.