Purpose To identify information from different social and economic groups to produce a baseline against which future intervention impact can be measured.
Wealth ranking is a PRA method that determines the economic attributes of households in a village. It shows information on the relative wealth and well-being of households in a village which helps to classify the households accordingly. It helps in determining the social and economic status of households in a village. The information generated by the wealth ranking exercise helps in identifying the poor households in the village. Ranking is done by villagers themselves (Fig. 32.5). It serves as baseline and as an opportunity to identify indicators for planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of village development activities (including selection of village organizing strategy).
(Ref: Kunwar , N. and Vashistha, P. (2004). A Text Book of PRA and Methods for Community Participation, Pg 134)
Last modified: Thursday, 2 February 2012, 11:49 AM