Trafficking for Commercial Sexual Exploitation

Women in Agriculture

Lesson 12 : Programmes for Girl Child -1

Trafficking for Commercial Sexual Exploitation

  1. Preventive measures;
  2. Rescue and Rehabilitation measures;
  3. Awareness generation and sensitization and
  4. Training and capacity building.

Children of Sex Workers
There is high probability of children of sex workers entering the sex trade. As a result of their social stigma these children also face physical, mental and sexual abuse. This leads them to take up sex work at a very early age, well inducted by the traffickers who are none other than the older sex workers. Interventions should look at enabling a better life for these children through education
(Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, non formal education systems, open schools etc) Health and hygiene education should be conducted for these children as due to their high risk environment , the possibilities of contracting STD/ HIV/AIDs etc are quite high. Life skills education and livelihood options are essential components of a protective prevention package for these children which will also involve their mothers.

Prevention of cross border trafficking
India is a signatory to a large number of International Conventions including SAARC Convention on Preventing and Combating of Trafficking of Women and Children for Prostitution. There is need to strengthen regional and overseas initiatives to prevent trafficking and also enable rescue and repatriation of children to their countries of origin.

Last modified: Wednesday, 6 June 2012, 10:32 AM