Types of Families

Women in Agriculture

Lesson 17 : Types & characteristics of rural families

Types of Families

  1. Simple, compound and composite families
  2. Simple families are with husband, wife and unmarried children
    Compound families are with husband, wife their unmarried children, husband's parents and unmarried brothers and sisters
    Composite families are all married brothers living together, which can otherwise may be called as collateral joint family

  3. Families on the basis of authority
  4. Husband dominant, where husband dominate
    Wife dominate, where wife dominates
    Equalitarian, where family runs with mutual consultation
    Autonomy where there is self ruling with much of independence.

  5. Institutional and companionship families
  6. Intuitional families are with control by mores and public opinions
    Companionship families
    are with mutual consensus and affection

  7. Conjugal and consanguine families
  8. Conjugal are with marital ties as priority
    Consanguine are with blood ties as priorities

  9. Trustee, atomistic and domestic families
  10. In trustee families members are to be conformed to family norms without any individual rights
    In Atomistic families conventional mores has no significance and every member can take their own choice.
    Domestic families are between trustee and atomistic

  11. Fissioned families
  12. It is a family with structure of nuclear family which is separated from parental family

Last modified: Saturday, 30 June 2012, 7:30 AM