Occupational Health Hazard

Women in Agriculture

Lesson 32 : Occupational Health Hazards

Occupational Health Hazard

Any condition of a job that can result in illness or injury
Occupational Health Hazard in Different Operations:

Occupational Health Hazard in farming

The physical strain and fatigue might result in accidents and injuries. The intensity of work referred to as work severity. Categorization is expressed in terms of energy demand relative to one’s aerobic capacity (VO2 m).

  1. Light work - Less than 25% [VO2 m]
  2. Moderate work – 26 – 50 % [VO2 m]
  3. Heavy work – 51-75% [Vo2 m]
  4. Extremely heavy work – Greater than 75% [Vo2 m]

Occupational Health Hazards & Women:
Identifying issues & problems in the occupational health of women remain a challenge. Much of women’s works remain unrecognized, unaccounted and unpaid. Women occupations are thus fluid and multi dimensional. The first problem is to learn what activities really involve in different situation and culture.
The effects of potential occupational hazards on women’s reproductive health have been probably the major focus of concern in the health of women workers. This concern has increased in recent years as more environmental hazards are invited and as more women enter into the paid workforce. A range of occupational reproductive hazards has been documented but a large number of possible risks still require further examination. Further legislation to protect the pregnant and potentially pregnant has been a universal responsibility.
Longitudinal studies and record are required for an improved understanding of any potentially fatal occupational health risks which women experience.

Last modified: Thursday, 5 July 2012, 5:50 AM