Rural Sociology and Psychology (1+0)

Rural Sociology: meaning, scope and importance, features of rural society with special reference to fishers anthropology, socio-economics and demography of fishers, migration and patterns of settlement.

Social groups and social classes.

Caste and class among fishers.

Value system - norms, customs, social values and culture among fishers and their importance.

Village level institutions and voluntary organizations - meaning, types and their role in fisheries development.

Leadership -meaning, identification and training, qualities and roles of leaders and use of local leaders in fisheries development.

Social change and social control; social problems and conflicts in fisheries; gender issues in fisheries.

Globalization and fisheries.

Psychology: concepts, principles, scope and its importance in fisheries extension.

Terms in psychology-intelligence, personality types, perception.

Motivation - meaning, classification of needs, techniques and importance in fisheries extension.

Theories of learning, learning experience, learning situation.

Last modified: Sunday, 25 December 2011, 8:56 AM