15.1.3. Application, Advantages and Limitations

15.1.3. Application, Advantages and Limitations



-          Intensive deworming for sheep. 

-          Disease prevention measures.

-          Formation and working of co-operation.


 1. Every participant shares the pride of having helped in solving the problem.

2. Helps in deciding the debatable issues.

3. Leaders, group interests and problems are discovered.

4. Group planning and group action results.

5. Fairly large numbers can be reached.


 1.Group factions in the village might hinder the effective working of the method.

2. ‘Traditional leaders’, who are not functional, come in the way of group activities.

 3. Possibility of creating rivalries.

4. Difficult to avoid unconnected persons’ attendance.

Last modified: Thursday, 10 November 2011, 10:36 AM