3.1.6. Raceway

3.1.6. Raceway

Raceway culture is defined as raising of fish in running water. It is a high production system in which fishes are grown in higher stocking density. Raceways are designed to provide a flow-through system to enable rearing of much denser population of fishes.

Raceway ponds are basically of two types:

Linear type : Ponds arranged in sequence. In a linear type, the volume of water entering each pond is larger and as the same water is used repeatedly from pond to pond, occurrence of disease in initial ponds may directly affect the other connected ponds

Lateral type : Ponds laid out in parallel.n a lateral or parallel type the volume of water entering each pond is smaller but a fresh supply of water is always ensured, and no transfer of disease from one pond to another.

Last modified: Thursday, 15 March 2012, 5:52 AM