5.1.7 Sub family Balitorinae - flat loaches

5.1.7 Subfamily : Balitorinae-Flat Loaches

Exoccipitals  separated from each other; interhyal absent; mesocoracoid fused  with an enlarged cleitherum; three or more pairs of barbels present ; gill opening restricted or not; paired fins enlarged with adhesive pads on ventral surface, oriented horizontally; pelvic fin separated or united under belly. These fishes, commonly known as hillstream loaches, have the body and head flattened. Mouth subterminal and paired fins adapted as adhesive organs. Found in fast flowing mountain streams from India through Southeast Asia. Kottelat (1988) considers the well known name Homalopteridae a junior synonym of Balitoridae.

Last modified: Tuesday, 24 January 2012, 5:14 AM