12.1.3. Circulatory System

Unit 12 - Arthropoda
12.1.3. Circulatory System
The heart of the white shrimp has three pairs of small openings known as ostia. Through these ostia, the blood flows into the heart from the surrounding area, which is termed the pericardial sinus, or pericardium. Valves prevent the blood from leaking out through the ostia as the heart contracts. Instead, the blood is driven into major arteries, most of which run forward to supply blood to the sense. organs and to vital organs within the cephalothorax. How¬ever, the sternal artery runs to war ventral region of the shrimp, where—it gives rise to a ventral thoracic artery that supplies blood to the thoracic appendages and to the thoracic portion of the ventral nerve cord. The dorsal abdominal artery leaves the heart posteriorly and supplies blood to the gut, the abdominal muscles, and the abdominal portion of the ventral nerve cord.

Last modified: Wednesday, 27 June 2012, 5:12 AM