7.2.3.Milk proteins

7.2.3. Milk proteins

Protein represents 3-4% of the composition of milk. Casein is the primary protein of milk, comprising approximately 80% of the milk protein. Milk proteins are of two types: casein (24-28g/L) and whey proteins(5-7g/L). Milk proteins have found various applications in formulated foods and as meat extenders, initially only casein was used. Whey protein concentrates are also used. Milk proteins have high nutritional value due to amino acid composition and have higher content of phophoryl serine and praline. Several milk proteins have antibacterial properties. The whey protein lactoferrin, beta lactoglobulin, lactalbumin, α -casein, β-casein κ and –casein are biologically active peptides.

Last modified: Wednesday, 29 February 2012, 5:40 AM