2.1. Sexual maturity

Unit 2 - Sexual maturity, breeding season and development of gametes

2.1. Sexual maturity
  • Maturation of fish gonads (gonadal maturation) is a process by which minute sex cells (germ cells) develop, with accessory tissues, into large organs (testis and ovary) which finally lead to the maturation and release of gametes (sperm and eggs).
  • Maturation may occur once in the life spawn of a fish or once a year or many times a year, depending on species and conditions.
  • Age at sexual maturity in fish varies with climatic and ecological /environmental conditions. It varies between species and between sexes. In general, males mature earlier than females.
  • Size at first sexual maturity also varies with species and between sexes.
Last modified: Wednesday, 8 June 2011, 11:18 AM