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Lesson 16
16.1 Introduction
A number of factors influence the rate of enzyme catalyzed reactions. The most important factors are Substrate concentration, Enzyme concentration, Temperature, pH, Specific activators, inhibitors. They are discussed below.
16.2 Substrate Concentration
For a given amount of enzyme under standard conditions, the initial reaction velocity varies with an increase of substrate concentration. At a low substrate concentration, the initial reaction velocity is nearly proportional to the substrate concentration (and the reaction is thus approximately first order with respect to the substrate). However, as the substrate concentration is increased, the initial rate falls off and is no longer approximately proportional to the substrate concentration (in this zone, the reaction is mixed order). With a a further increase in the substrate concentration, the reaction rate becomes essentially independent of substrate concentration and approaches a constant rate (in this range of substrate concentration the reaction is essentially zero order with respect to the substrate) and the enzyme is said to be saturated with substrate.
16.2.1 Michaelis-Menten Constant (Km)
It is an equilibrium constant and is a measure of the affinity of an enzyme for its substrate. The more strongly an enzyme interacts with its substrate, the greater will be the proportion of the enzyme which is combined with substrate as ES, the lower the concentration of free enzyme, E and lower the value for Km.
[E] + [S] « [ES] ® [E] + P
Km = [E] [S] / [ES]
Km = [S], when v0 = ½ Vmax
16.2.2 Enzyme Concentration
For any enzyme, assuming the correct temperature and length of reaction time relationship, a medium at the optimum pH, and a constant substrate concentration, the curve shown in the Fig. 16.2 is valid. If an excess of substrate is present, doubling the enzyme concentration usually doubles the rate of formation of end products. This usually applies at the start of the reaction, for the end products of the reaction often have an inhibitory effect on the enzyme, and decrease its efficiency. As the concentration of enzyme is increase, however, a point could (theoretically) be reached where the substrate (concentration held constant) is saturated with enzymes. If this point could be reached, further increases in enzyme concentration would have no influence on the rate of formation of end products.
16.2.3 Temperature
A curve of the type shown in
The thermolability of enzymes is exploited to a high degree in the food industry. Pasteurization of milk involves exposure of milk to 63oC for 30 minutes. This treatment is sufficient to kill pathogenic bacteria such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and inactivates many enzymes. Effectiveness of pasteurization is determined by the absence of alkaline phosphatase activity. Blanching of fruits and vegetables is an essential pretreatment for fruits and vegetables for canning, freezing, and dehydration. This treatment is normally sufficient to inactivate all enzymes present. The effectiveness of blanching procedure can be determined by the absence of peroxidase activity.
16.2.4 pH effect
Enzymes are very sensitive to changes in the pH of their environment due to their proteinaceous nature. For every enzyme there is an optimum pH, which often lies within the range from 4.5 to 8.0, however, some few are most active in very acidic media, others in quite alkaline solutions. If enzyme activity is related to pH, the type curve shown in Fig. is obtained. Maximum activity is usually observed at or near their isoelectric point. Low catalytic activities are usually found in quite acidic or basic solutions. These effects are due in major degree to the gross denaturation of enzyme protein as well as change in the degree of ionization of functional groups of the enzyme involved in the active centre. Thus a pH change brings about conformation changes in the protein structure, thus altering the active site of the enzyme for its steric fit with the substrate. If enzyme has more than one possible substrate, then the pH optimum can differ from each substrate. (Fig. 16.4)
16.2.5 Specific activatorsMany kinases require Mg+2 ions, carbonic anhydrase requires, zinc, ascorbic oxidase requires copper, salivary amylase requires chloride for their full activities because they form co-ordination compounds and act as bridges between substrate and enzyme (proenzyme activity & coenzymes).
16.2.6 Inhibitors
Reversible Inhibitors : As the term implies the type of inhibition involves equilibrium between the enzyme and the inhibitors, the equilibrium constant (Ki) being a measure of the affinity of the inhibitor for the enzyme. Three distinct types of reversible inhibitors are known. 1. competitive, 2. noncompetitive, 3. uncompetitive.
Note: Different Km values, No shift in Vmax
16.3 Irreversible Inhibitors
Forms a covalent bond with a specific function, usually an amino acid residue, which may, in some manner, be associated with the catalytic activity of the enzyme. In addition, there are many examples of enzyme inhibitors which covalently bind not at the active site, but physically block the active site. The inhibitor cannot be released by dilution or dialysis, kinetically, the concentration and hence the velocity of active enzyme is lowered in proportion to the concentration of the inhibitor and thus the effect is that of noncompetitive inhibition.