5.3. Packing and transportation of fish seed

Unit 5 - Fish seed rearing techniques

5.3. Packing and transportation of fish seed

Transportation of fish seed

Transportation of fish seed is gaining increased importance due to the ever increasing world live fish trade.

Successful transportation of quality fish seed from the site of production to the place of culture is an important factor which influences the viability of aquaculture industry.

Traditional method of transporting fish seed in hundies (earthen or aluminium pots) results in heavy mortality of fish seed during transport.

The main reasons for the mortality during transportation are:

(i) lack of oxygen,

(ii) accumulation of metabolites like ammonia, CO2, faeces, etc.,

(iii) hyperactivity, strain and exhaustion,

(iv) diseases and parasites and

(v) physical injury.

Now, with the innovative changes brought about in the system, necessitated by the technological breakthrough achieved in aquaculture, the fish seed and broodfish transportation has become fairly dependable and safe, though there is still ample scope for further refinement.

In general, the methods of seed transport can broadly be classified into two systems:

(i) Open system, where the seed is transported with or without aeration/oxygenation/water circulation and

(ii) closed system in which the seed is transported in sealed air-tight carries with oxygen/aeration.

Last modified: Tuesday, 14 June 2011, 10:12 AM