8.Genus: Skeletonema - Diatom

8.Genus: Skeletonema - Diatom


Penaeus  protozoea

Phylum : Arthropoda

Class : Crustacea

Order : Mysidacea

Family : Penaeidae

Description: The naupliar stage metamorphosis into a protozoea stage after about six moults. It is a slender shaped larva, which is unlikely to be confused with anything else except forms like Acetes protozoea. It has broad oral carapace covering upto second thorax segment. Also stalked eyes are present which occurr as thickenings of the antero  lateral portion of carapace. Then, there is a small naupliar eye. The abdominal segments (except the first one) bear appendages. Telson forked and each fork is short and round posteriorly and is having 7 setae of which the 4th from the outside is the largest.

Last modified: Wednesday, 27 June 2012, 6:55 AM