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1. Das Gupta, D., Extension education.Core contents and emerging areas.Agrobios (India) , Jodhpur.2006. 2. Dahama, O.P., and O.P. Bhatnagar. Education and communication for development. Oxford & IBH Publishing House, New Delhi. 1980. 3. Chithamber, J.B – Introductory Rural sociology, 1973 4. Ginsberg, Morris, Studies in Sociology, London, Methuen, 1952 5. Sharma,R.K.,: Social change and social control.Atlantic publishers and distributors,New Delhi, 1997 6. Ram Ahuja., Social problems in India,Rawat Publications, Jaipur,1997 7. Weinberg , Kirson, s. Social problems in our times , Prentice Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs,New Jersey, 1960. 8. Ginsberg, Morris . Studies in Sociology, London, Metheun,1932. 9. Gillin and Gillin ,. Cultural sociology. The Macmillanco., Ne wyork, 1950. 10. Young, K. Sociology-A study of society and culture .New York, American book company,1949. 11. Mannheim Karl. Systematic sociology.Routledge&Kegan Paul, London, 1959. 12. Desai , A.R.,Rural sociology in India .Pop[ular Prakasam , Bombay,1978. 13. MacIver and Page, C.M., Society : An introductory analysis., London, Macmillan and Co.,,1962. 14.Berlo, David,K. The process of communication.Holt Rinehart and Winston Inc., Newyork.1960. 14. Dahama ,O.P.,. Extension and rural welfare. Ramprasad and sos,Agra,1973. 15. Dale Edgar, Audio-visual methods in teaching, Holt Rinehart and Winston Inc., Newyork.,1964. 16. Ensminger ,D., A guide to community development. Min. of comm..devt. and coop., GOI,1957. 17. Guilford, G.P., General Psychology.Affiliated East-west,New Delhi.1965. 18. Guthrie, E.R., and F.F.Powers, Educational Psychology. The Ronald pressco., New York, 1950. 19. Kelsey , L.D., & C.D. Hearne, Cooperative extension work. Cornell University press, New York, 1963. 20. Rogers ,E.,Communication of innovations.Collier –Macmillan ltd., New York, 1971. 21. Sandhu, A.S., Communication process and media.PAU, Ludhiana, 1972. 22. Desai , A.R.,Rural sociology in India .Pop[ular Prakasam , Bombay,1978 . 23. Reddy, A., A., Extension education.Sree Lakshmi press, Bapatla,1987. 24. Rogers, E.M., and Shoemaker, F.,F., Communication of innovations.The Free Press, New York, 1971. |