14.1.5 Japaneese market

14.1.5 Japaneese market

Japan is the second largest single market. The growing prohibitions on keeping animal pets such a cats and dogs in high-rise apartments has given a boost to the aquariums becoming an important feature of the home décor. The country is estimated to have some 1.2 million aquarists. The most popular species are guppy (28% of the market), neon tetra, red nose tetra, cardinal tetra, black tetra, tiger barb, harlequin fish, discus, angelfish. Siamese fighting fish, gourami, platy, swordtail, julli catfish (corydoras), algae eater, white clouds and Zebra danio. Imports fell in value gradually from US$73.94 million in 1996 to US$28.398 million in 2001. The decline has been attributed mainly to the recession the country has been going through. The main suppliers to the Japanese market are Singapore, Brazil, Indonesia, Malaysia, USA and China (Hong Kong).

Last modified: Monday, 21 November 2011, 10:32 AM