Knowledge of biochemistry is essential to all life sciences


  • It is a fundamental biological and medical science that provides an understanding of cell biology, microbiology, nutrition, pharmacology and physiology at the molecular level.
  • Biochemistry of nucleic acid is the basis of genetics.
  • Physiology , the study of body function, overlaps with biochemistry.
  • Immunology employs several biochemical techniques.
  • Biochemistry is the basis of pharmacology and pharmacy. Most of the drugs are metabolized by the enzyme-catalyzed reactions.
  • Toxicology is the study of poisons interacting with the biochemical reactions.
  • Biochemical approach is the basis for the elucidation of disease process- the pathology.
  • Understanding nutrition depends on knowledge of biochemistry.
  • Molecular Biology , a major branch of biochemistry is the study of gene structure, function and regulation.
  •  Knowledge of  Biochemistry essential for Biotechnology, a multidisciplinary subject. 
    • A specialized branch of the subject called Clinical Biochemistry is directly associated with clinical medicine. Health depends on the balance of biochemical reactions occurring in the body and disease reflects abnormalities in biomolecules. The determination of the concentration of a body chemical may be valuable in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment and also to monitor the success of the treatment.
    • The technology of biochemistry may be applied to the study of any aspects of biology - humans, mammals, insects, plants, bacteria and viruses.
Last modified: Saturday, 5 May 2012, 9:12 AM