Bacterial cell wall polysaccharide


  • The cell walls of many bacteria are made of peptidoglycans, which are heteroglycan chains linked to peptides(murein is another name for peptidoglycan).
  • The heteroglycan component is composed of alternating residues of N-acetylglucosamine and N-acetylmuramic acid joined by β(14) linkage. N-acetylmuramic acid consists of N-acetylglucosamine in an ether link with D-lactic acid.
  • Many such linear polymers lie side by side in the cell wall, cross-linked by short peptides.
  • The antibacterial action of lysozyme (present in tears) is due to its ability to catalyze the hydrolysis of polysaccharide chain of peptidoglycan.

N-acetylmuramic acid

Last modified: Monday, 26 December 2011, 9:54 AM