Different types of interactions


  • Bonds that are stabilizing the proteins are
    • Hydrogen bonds
      • These bonds are formed when there is sharing of a hydrogen atom between two electronegative atoms. The hydrogen atom is covalently linked to one of the atoms and interact electro statically with second atom. It is formed in protein generally between amide nitrogen and the carbonyl oxygen.
    • Hydrophobic bonds
      • It is formed by the association of non-polar (hydrophobic side chains) side chains that come together to escape the water environment. These interactions are very important in forming protein structure.
    • Ionic interactions (electrostatic interaction or salt links)
      • This type of interaction occurs when oppositely charged groups such as –COO- and NH3+ are brought closure. In the formation of nucleoproteins, ionic interactions are important in binding basic proteins with acidic molecules like phosphate.
    • Vander Walls forces
      • It is a non-specific attraction between atoms that are close but not overlapping and provide a week attraction.  


Last modified: Sunday, 18 December 2011, 3:35 PM