Preparation of 1000 ml of standard N/10 oxalic acid solution


Preparation of 1000 ml of Standard N/10 Oxalic acid solution

  • Oxalic acid is a dibasic acid and available in crystalline form as (COOH)2 .2 H20. This is taken as primary standard for acids as it can be weighed accurately.

                  Equivalent weight of Oxalic acid = (Molecular weight / 2) = (126 / 2) = 63 g

  • To prepare 1000 ml of 1 N Oxalic acid solution, the amount of oxalic acid required = 63 g.
  • Therefore, to prepare 1000 ml of 0.1 N Oxalic acid solution, the amount of oxalic acid required = 6.3 g.


  • Weigh 6.3 g of Oxalic acid exactly and dissolve it in 1000 ml of distilled water in a beaker and stir well.
Last modified: Wednesday, 23 March 2011, 6:39 AM