Cultivated Legume fodder crops


  • Berseem, cowpea, lucerne, desmanthus and stylo are the common leguminous crops grown in India. On drymatter basis, they contain from 15-25 per cent crude protein with 1-2% calcium and 0.2-0.4% phosphorus leading to wide calcium to phosphorus ratio.
  • Legumes yields 75-100 tonnes per hectare but cowpea yields only 20 tonnes per hectare. Legume fodders are liable to produce “bloat” if given in large quantities and thus it is advisable that they should always be given along with some dry fodder (not exceeding a maximum of 1/3rd of total green roughages).
  • Perennial legume fodders such as Desmanthes and Lucerne are harvested at 75 days after sowing and subsequently at 45 days intervals for Desmanthes and 30 days interval for Lucerne.
  • Annual fodders such as Berseem and Cowpea should be harvervested at 50% flowering stage and are ready by 50-60 days. Intercropping with cereal or grasses increases the total green fodder yield per unit of land and thereby avoids overfeeding of legume alone that may lead to bloating in animals. CP: 15-25%

Ca: 1.0-2.0%
P: 0.2-0.4%
Harvest in 45 days,75 t/ha,
Cowpea: 30 t/ha


Last modified: Tuesday, 27 March 2012, 10:47 AM