TDN in energy evaluation


Position of TDN in energy evaluation system:

  • TDN is based on the Atwater physiological fuel values for human nutrition.
  • In human after digestion and absorption the energy losses of carbohydrate and fat is negligible, only for protein there is some metabolic loss.
  • So, for all three nutrients the physiological fuel values represent the metabolisable energy values.
  • In case of ruminants (where the TDN system is commonly followed) even after digestion there is high gaseous loss that occurs in the form of methane and CO2 in case of carbohydrates.
  • Moreover the urinary loss is high in case of ruminant animals when compared to human beings. Hence it can be concluded that,
    • As far as carbohydrate (CF ; NFE) and fat is concerned the TDN system can be fit into DE system in ruminants.
    • In case of protein, the TDN system not only considered faecal loss but also urinary loss. So in case of protein the TDN system can be fit into ME system.
    • If the TDN system completely fits into the DE system, then the %DCP should be multiplied by a figure of 1.3.
Utility of TDN system as an energy measure:
  • In India TDN system is commonly followed energy evaluation system for ruminants.
  • The famous Morrison standard, which is extensively used by American farmers, is based on TDN system.
  • It can be used for feeding pigs and horses and it is also reliable for comparative evaluation of ruminant rations of similar composition.
  • It is often preferred to express TDN in calories of DE. DE can be calculated by multiplying TDN with a factor of 4.4. It is found experimentally that the average caloric value of 1 gram of TDN is 4.4 Kcal (= 17.5 KJ).
Last modified: Tuesday, 17 August 2010, 4:26 AM