Physiological fuel value


  • Based on the composition of carbohydrate, fat and protein the heat of combustion of the feed sample can be worked out using appropriate factors.
  • From the gross chemical composition of the feed samples the amount of energy yielding nutrients namely carbohydrate, fat and protein are estimated.
  • If the amount of each is known it is easy to workout the heat of combustion of the feed sample using appropriate factors.
  • The heat of combustion of individual carbohydrates, proteins and fats differ with their composition. (Eg.) As determined by Atwater GE of sucrose is 3.96 Kcal/gram and that of starch is 4.23 Kcal/gram.
  • Energy yield of butterfat was found to be 9.21 Kcal/gram and that of lard, 9.48 Kcal/gram.
  • For practical use individual figures were averaged to apply to the major food stuffs (carbohydrate, fat and protein) as gross energy of food.
Last modified: Tuesday, 27 March 2012, 11:16 AM