- Record the weight of a sintered glass crucible
- Record the weight of the crucible along with approximately 1 g of feed sample.
- Attach the crucible in a reflux system and reflux the sample for one hour with 100ml of neutral detergent solution.
- After refluxing filter and wash the residue.
- Dry the crucibles in a hot air oven overnight and record its weight.
- Reflux the residue with 100 ml of acid detergent solution for one hour.
- Filter and wash the residue.
- Dry the crucibles in a hot air oven overnight and record its weight.
- Add known quantity of asbestos to the residue in the crucible.
- Add little distilled water and make the contents to a smooth paste using a glass rod.
- Place the crucible over an glass /enamel tray and add 50 ml of 72 % sulphuric acid and mix well.
- A blackish coloured liquid will flow out through the pores of the crucible; repeat the addition of sulphuric acid till the liquid is clear and colourless.
- Wash the residue with distilled water; dry it in a hot air oven overnight.
- Record the weight of the crucible.
- Ash the residue in crucible by placing it in a muffle furnace at 400º C
- Cool the crucible and record its weight.
Last modified: Saturday, 27 August 2011, 11:08 AM