Feed processing
Various steps involved in Feed compounding
- Selection of locally available ingredients based on price and nutrient density.
- Quality check of raw materials.
- Formulation of balanced ration
- Weighing the ingredients according to formulation.
- Processing such as Grinding, flaking, etc.
- Uniform mixing.
- Quality check of processed feed
- Packing and storage of mash feed.
- Further processing for preparation of other forms of feed (pelletting, crumbling etc.)
Purposes of feed processing:
- To alter the physical form or particle size.
- To prevent spoilage
- To isolate specific parts of a seed or plant
- To improve palatability
- To inactivate toxins or anti nutritional factors .
Advantages of grinding
The particle size reduction, increases the surface area exposed to enzymes, resulting in better digestion.
Grinding helps mixing of ingredients and prevents segregation
Pelleting can be done only if the feed is ground uniformly
Selectivity of feeds is not possible by the animal and so the nutrient intake will the optimum
Palatability is improved
Feed intake is increased
Improves digestibility
Improves growth rate
Improves feed efficiency
Consumers like uniformly ground feed
Grinding of some ingredients contributes to ease to handling.
Types of grinding
Coarse - sieve size 3/8, 4 and 8
Medium - sieve size 14 and 28
Fine - sieve size 48 and 100.
Types of mills
Hammer mill – Impaction
Attrition or Buer mill – cutting, crushing and shearing
Roller mill – cutting, crushing and shearing
Hammer mill

Last modified: Wednesday, 4 April 2012, 4:48 AM