Books for reference


  1. ARC, 1980,1984. Nutrient requirements of ruminant livestock.U.K.
  2. Aron. A. Bondi,1987. Animal Nutrition . John Wiley & Sons. Great Britain.
  3. Cullison.A.E. and Lowrey.R.S.1987,Feeds and feeding,4th edition. A.Reston book, Prentice -Hall.Inc.Englewwod Cliffs,New Jersey.
  4. Kearl.L.C.,1982.Nutrient requirements of ruminants in developing countries,Utah,USA.
  5. Maynard. L. A., Loosli. J. K.,Hintz.H.F and  Warner.R.G.1979. Animal Nutrition,7th edition. McGraw-Hill,Inc,
  6. McDonald,P., Edwards.R.A., Greenhalgh,J.F.D., and Morgan.C.A. (2002).Animal Nutrition, 6th edition, Pearson Education ( Singapore ) Pte.Ltd., New Delhi.
  7. Niranjan.P.S.,U.S.Chahal.,V.Srivastava and S.Kumar.2010.Handbook of Applied Animal Nutrition.IBDC publishers,Lucknow.
  8. NRC.1981. Nutrient requirement of Goats.
  9. NRC.1985. Nutrient requirement of sheep.
  10. NRC.2001. Nutrient requirement of dairy cattle.
  11. NRC.2007. Nutrient requirement of small ruminants.
  12. Pond.W.G.,Church.D.C.and Pond.K.R.1995.Basic animal nutrition and feeding ,4th edition.
  13. Ranjhan.S.K.1993. Animal Nutrition and Feeding Practices, 4th edition, Vikas Publishing House Pvt.Ltd. New Delhi.
  14. Ranjhan.S.K.1993. Animal Nutrition in the Tropics, 3th edition, Vikas Publishing House Pvt.Ltd. New Delhi.
  15. Ranjhan.1998.Nutrient requirements of ruminant livestock and poultry.ICAR,NewDelhi.
  16. Reddy. D. V. 2001. Principles of Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology, Oxford & IBH publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
  17. Reddy.D.V.2009. Applied Nutrition- Livestock, Poultry, Pets, Rabbits and Laboratory Animals.2nd edition, Oxford & IBH publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
  18. Underwoood.E.J. and N.F.Suttle,3rd edition,1999, The mineral nutrition of Livestock.
Last modified: Wednesday, 4 April 2012, 6:07 AM