Muscles of the soft palate


They are

  • Palato-glossus (as described in muscles of tongue)
  • Palato-pharyngeus
  • Tensor palati
  • Levator palati
  • Palatinus


  • It is placed next to the glandular layer of the posterior half of the soft palate and becomes continuous with the muscle of the opposite side.
  • It extends downwards and backwards to the lateral wall of the pharynx,lying external to the posterior pillar and inserted into the thyroid cartilage.
  • It tenses the soft palate and elevates pharynx and draws larynx and oesophagus towards the root of the tongue.

Tensor palati

  • It arises from the muscular process to the petrous temporal.
  • It passes lateral to the levator palati and its tendon gets reflected around the hamulus of the pterygoid bone and spreads in the soft palate. It tenses the palate.

Levator palati

  • Origin: Muscular process of petrous temporal.
  • Insertion: Soft palate.
  • Action: To raise the soft palate towards the root of the pharynx. and to close the posterior nares during deglutition.


  • It is a small-elongated bright red fasciculus lying along with its fellow enclosed in the palatine aponeurosis. It arises from the posterior border of the bony palate and is inserted to the aponeurosis near the free border of the soft palate, It shortens the soft palate.
  • Blood supply: Lesser palatine arteries.
  • Nerve supply Vagus, Glosso-pharyngeal and trigeminal nerves.
Last modified: Sunday, 16 October 2011, 4:54 AM