Subcutaneous thoracic and abdominal vein


Subcutaneous thoracic vein (External thoracic vein)

  • This vein is inconstant.
  • It arises from the region of the flank and the abdominal wall and passes forwards under the cutaneous muscle in company with the nerve of the same and joins the deep brachial vein in the axilla.
  • It may join the brachial or subscapular veins.
  • It is very large and is always present in the horse as the spur vein.

Subcutaneous abdominal vein

  • In the male, it is small and drains the venous blood from the inguinal region.
  • It passes forwards under the cutaneous muscle, passes through a foramen in the rectus abdominis and joins internal thoracic vein (for description in female see veins of udder).
Last modified: Monday, 17 October 2011, 6:05 AM