Mechanism of action of a receptor


  • Incoming stimuli transduce the membrane potential into the receptor or generator potential.
  • The protein structures within the sensory receptors absorb energy from stimuli to undergo conformational change which in turn activate signal transduction pathway.
  • This allows change with appropriate voltage gated channel to induce the impulse generation through the proper neurotransmitters.
  • Sensory reception include signal reception, signal transduction, signal amplification, signal transmission to higher centres and perception at the integrating centre.

Properties of Sensory Reception

  • Primary afferent neuron is the cell whose axon carries the information to higher centres.
  • Sensory receptor cells are present in the sense organs.

Generator potential vs Receptor potential

  • If the potential developed by sensory receptor which also serve as primary afferent neuron, is termed as Generator Potential.
  • If sensory receptor cell is different from primary afferent neuron the potential developed in the sensory receptor cell is termed as Receptor Potential.
  • Mechanism of signal transduction varies in each of these situations.

Receptor characteristics

  • Receptors have the ability to convert other form of energy in to electrical energy i.e. action potential, causes transduction if adequate stimuli is applied.
  • They have differential sensitivities to different stimuli. The permeability of the receptor is modified and ends up in graded receptor potential.
  • They show different adaptability to a stimulus and speed of adaption varies with receptors. Each receptor has specific acuity i.e. discriminative ability.
Last modified: Thursday, 26 May 2011, 6:33 AM