Protein absorption


  • The free amino acids are readily absorbed chiefly by active transport requiring Na -co transport system.

  • Three types of carriers are involved in the transport of acidic, basic and neutral amino acids.
  • L-isomer forms of plant and animal protein are more readily absorbed than D-isomers, acidic basic and meutral amino acids
  • Some di and tri peptides are also absorbed. Intracellular peptidase hydrolyses these peptides to amino acids.
  • Intracellular amino acids diffuse across the basolateral membrane to reach liver via portal blood, whereas intact proteins are absorbed via lymph pathway.
  • Immediately after birth immunoglobulins from colostrum are absorbed by a process of pinocytosis particularly in lambs, piglets, kids, calves and pups.
  • The immunoglobulin absorption decreases with time after birth and ceases after 24-36 hours.
Last modified: Thursday, 9 June 2011, 5:07 AM