Formation of HCO3 in plasma


  • The Chief buffers of plasma that provides for buffering action by combining with H+ is protein system (Proteinate / Protein)
  • The reaction is plasma is as follows :


  • The PCO2 in tissues is higher than in arterial blood causes diffusion of CO2 into blood and forces the preceding reversible reaction to the right causing an increase in HCO3. This increase in HCO3 represents transport due to plasma proteins.
  • When venous blood reaches the lungs, CO2 diffuses into alveolar air and is exhaled out. This causes the preceding reaction to shift to left.
  • The pH of arterial plasma decreases about 0.025 units in becoming venous plasma.
  • The transport of CO2 as HCO3- by plasma proteins represents about 4% of total CO2 transport.
Last modified: Saturday, 4 June 2011, 8:00 AM