

  • In hot and humid areas, it is almost essential to deworm livestock regularly. When anthelmintics (deworming agents) are used all the animals in the herd or locality should be dewormed so that the drug becomes an ecological agent rather than a means of treating affected animals. Such a proposition is difficult in India as the individual herds comprise only a few animals, are numerous and are scattered.
  • Community organizations like village panchayat, community development blocks, municipalities etc. can, however, take up such deworming campaigns in their localities. The individual farmer should also try to keep his herd worm-free.
  • To obtain maximum benefits from anthelmintic treatments and to affect economy in their use, the drug to be used, the timing of medication and the class of animals to be medicated must be carefully selected in order to combat worm infestations at a stage when they have little opportunity to harm their hosts and when their removal results in the reduction of infective material on the ground. The most suitable time of deworming is the early stages of infection when the worm load is less.
  • There are several chemical de-wormers and more being found out. Many firms have brought out a combination of ready-to-administer proprietary anthelminthics. The local veterinarian should be consulted for all suggestions regarding dewormers and deworming.
  • In adult animals deworming is done on examination of dung. It is good to deworm adult females after parturition. All the animals should preferably be fasted for 24 hours before giving the anthelmintic. Young animals should preferably be dewormed every month using a suitable anthelmintic. Older stock can be dewormed at 4-6 months’ intervals. The National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal recommended the following deworming schedule for calves. Such a deworming schedule is very crucial for buffalo calves, in which species mortality due to worms is very high.
  • In places where heavy endo-parasite infestations are found (hot-humid regions) it is advisable to deworm heifers twice a year up to two years of age. Even adult stock can be drenched twice a year-once before monsoon season (May-June) and once during monsoon (August-September) – with piperazine and phenovis.
Last modified: Saturday, 7 April 2012, 10:57 AM