Fate and classification of acute inflammation


Terminology of inflammation
















Parenchy matous


Body cavities









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  • Sero – fibrinous
  • Muco – purulent
  • Fibrino – purulent

Fate of accumulation

Killing of Bacteria by neutrophils

Degradation of bacteria by acid hydrolases in granules of neutrophils

TB bacilli aroid degradation by enzymes & present insidephagocytic vacuoles

Spreads infection to other sites through lymphatics

Tissue injury

Harmful effects of chemotaxis, phagocytosis

Release of products into the extracellular space

  • Lysosomal enzymes
  • Free radicals
  • Arachidonic acid metabolites like prostaglandins

Classification of acute inflammation

  • Based on the type of exudate

Catarrhal or mucous inflammation

  • Exudates - Mucous
  • Site - Occurs in cells capable of producing mucin
  • Causes
    • Mild irritants
    • Chemicals (formalin, phenol, detergent)
    • Food poisons
    • Cold air, dust
    • Bacterial and viral infections
  • Gross appearance
    • Clear, transparent, glistening
    • Slimy material containing
    • Water and mucous

Mucinous inflammation

Catarrhal tracheitis - Broiler chicken

  • Microscopical appearance
    • Proliferation of epithelial Cells
    • Desquamation into exudates
    • Neutrophils
    • Mucus stained blue with haematoxylin
  • Sequelae
    • Recovery if cause is removed
    • If not progresses to chronic
    • On invasion with pyogenic organisms, it becomes mucopurulent
    • Fibrosis

Serous inflammation

  • Exudate - Plasma or thin watery fluid
  • Site - Serous membranes - Peritoneum, pleura, pericardium, joints
  • Causes
    • Moderate - severe irritants
    • Chemical irritants applied on skin → “BLISTERS”
    • Traumatic injury
    • Burns
    • Viral infections – FMD, vesicular stomatitis
  • Gross appearance
    • Blister formation
    • Clear, thin or watery fluid
    • Sometimes mixed with fibrin gives a frosty glass appearance


Serous inflammation

Serous inflammation

  • Microscopically
    • Homogenous or finely granular exudates
    • Stains pink with eosin (intensity varies with amount of protein in the exudates)
  • Sequelae
    • Fluid is resorbed if cause is removed
    • If not organized or fibrosed , adhesions with cavities will develop with increased in fibrin content.

Fibrinous inflammation

  • Exudate – Fibrin
  • Sites
    • Body cavities – Pleura, pericardial sac
    • Epithelial surfaces (mucous, serous, cutaneous)
    • Visceral organs (Lung, liver, kidneys)
  • Causes – Severe irritant
    • Viral diseases - Feline enteritis, malignant catarrhal fever
    • Bacterial diseases – Salmonellosis, diphtheria
  • Gross appearance
    • Organ are tenser or hard
    • Fibrin – stringy, yellowish net–like material



Fibrinous inflammation

Fibrinous inflammation - Fowl liver

    • On mucosal surfaces
    • Casts – tubular organs
    • Pseudomembrane formation - Masses of fibrin not firmly attached to the mucous membrane or peeled off easily.
    • Diphtheretic membrane - Fibrin is firmly attached to the underlying tissue; the tissue undergoes coagulation necrosis
    • Examples - Diphtheria, swine fever

Diphtheritic inflammation

Diphtheritic inflammation-Chicken intestine

    • True membrane -Dead cells are included in exudates
    • False membrane - Without dead epithelial cells
    • Bread butter appearance” - Fibrinous pericarditis
  • Microscopical appearance
    • Fibrin appears as dirty pink, net–like
    • Entrapment of leucocytes and denuded cells found in the network
  • Sequelae
    • Indicates severe injury
    • Not favorable – death supervenes
    • Desquamation of fibrin on epithelial surface
    • Reabsorption of from body cavities
    • Organization
    • Adhesions on serosal surfaces

Suppurative inflammation (Purulent) 

  • Exudate – Pus
  • Factors essential for pus fomation
    • Necrosis
    • Neutrophils
    • Digestion of necrotic tissue by protelytic enzymes
  • Causes
    • Pyogenic bacteria – Staphylococci, Streptococci, Escherichia coli
    • Cornybacterium pyogenes, Actinomyces bovis etc
    • Chemicals – turpentine, ZnCl2, Mercuric chloride

Suppuration / pus formation is not commonly seen in rabbits with tuberculosis due to the presence of antienzyme against proteases

  • Characteristics of pus
    • Composed of - necrotic
    • Tissue cells
    • Serum
    • Alkaline – PH
    • Color – white, yellow, green, red or black, red
    • Consistency – thin, watery or creamy, thick
    • Pus serum – liquor puris - does not coagulate
  • Definitions in suppurative inflammation
    • Cellulitis - Diffuse spreading suppurative inflammation of connective tissue
    • Abscess - Collection of pus locally within a closed cavity in an organ or tissue

Suppurative inflammation

Suppurative inflammation - Splenic abscess 

    • Pyogenic membrane - Limiting wall formed by partly damaged and partly living - where active warfare is going on to limit the spread of infection.
    • Ulcer - The discontinuity of skin or mucous membrane – resulting in opening of abscess
    • Sinus - Tract in the tissues communicating with an epithelial surface discharging pus from an abscess
    • Boil / Furuncle - Small suppurative inflammation on skin which involves hair follicle or sebaceous gland - Staphyloccos aureus
    • Pustule - Circumscribed cavity in the epidermis with pus

Haemorrhagic inflammation

  • Exudate - Blood
  • Cause - violent / severe irritant causes damage to blood vessels
    • Bacterial – Black quarter, anthrax, haemorrhagic septicaemia
    • Viral – Infectious laryngotracheitis in poultry
    • Protozoal – Coccidiosis
  • Gross - presence of blood

Haemorrhagic inflammation

Haemorrhagic inflammation - Tarry/black coloured digested blood 

  • Microscopical - RBC’s in exudate
  • Gangrenous inflammation

Thrombosis of blood vessels - ischaemia


Saprophytes e.g. – Black quarter


Last modified: Wednesday, 14 December 2011, 1:35 PM